Memory 04/10

Open on the campground – a small grove of trees.

Fade out.

Text: 100 YEARS AGO

Fade in on a garden. A woman, the Caretaker, pulls at some vines.

A VOICE: Lady…

An unseen person hands her a book.


A VOICE: The Seedlings agreed to lend you their oldest book of lore. But they asked, do you need a translator?

THE CARETAKER: Oh, no thank you, I can read it.

She opens the book and begins to read aloud.

THE CARETAKER: Long ago, this land was protected by the Spirit of the Wood. For generations, the forest thrived. It grew. It burned. It grew back. And the Spirit of the Wood mourned the deaths of its children. The Spirit of the Wood watched endlessly as its children grew up. As they fought each other for water. As they strangled each other for sunlight. And as the fire ripped through the forest and swept them away. When it could take no more, the Spirit of the Wood used its magic to purge itself of its destructive nature. The magic worked and the Ramble was pulled out of the Spirit of the Wood. The Spirit of the Wood destroyed the Ramble with fire, and the forest lived, unchanged, for generations.

She touches a symbol drawn on the page.

THE CARETAKER: The Spirit of the Wood…

Fade out.

Fade in on the campground – the same small grove of trees.

Cut to black.

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