Memory 08/10

Open on the campground – the swing, wrapped in vines, swinging back and forth.

Fade out.

Text: 100 YEARS AGO

Fade in on a garden. A woman, the Caretaker, tries desperately and in vain to pull vines off of various plants. She falls to the ground as vines being to grow up her leg.

THE CARETAKER: I can’t. I can’t. I… No! I need more time! I… I need to burn the Ramble. I need to find a way to imbue the flame with magic… I..

She chokes and falls to the ground, lifeless.

Vines begin to grow over her body. After some time, her body fades into the foliage and only the vines are left.

Fade out.

Fade in on the campground – the swing, swinging back and forth again.

Cut to black.

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