Memory 07/10

Open on the campground – the end of a walking trail. A large vine-covered tree blocks the path.

Fade out.

Text: 100 YEARS AGO

Fade in on a garden. A woman, the Caretaker, carries a wooden box as she walks through the garden.

THE CARETAKER: If I can figure out a way to destroy it someday, I can protect us from the Ramble for good. But if it could be returned to the Wood somehow, then maybe the cycle… Ugh. At the very least, I can keep it safe from anyone who would use the Ramble for their own gains.

She sets the box down under the large vine-covered tree.

THE CARETAKER: This looks like a good spot.

Fade out.

Fade in on the campground – the same bridge.

Cut to black.

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